How to be happy ☺

Happiness is just a word which may keep different importance for different people. One thing that makes you happy may be other person is not comfortable with that. Happiness varies from person to person. If you are young and demanding you find happiness in money and brands but the other person who is old and lonely never demand the same thing. He wants the time of his family. Now things like money or brands don't attract him. It depends on you what makes you happy. You have to find the happiness for yourself by yourself. People don't have time for one wants to be your well-wisher. You have to find on your own .you are the person who can guide you toward the path of happiness. You are the only person who wants happiness for you. There is a lot of things that make you happy but you are unaware. You have to search for those.

Have you ever feel happy in something?

Have you ever thought what is important for you?

Have you ever find the solution to your sadness?

Have you ever thought of giving up?

I am here to help you. Following are some tips for your happiness.

1. Get rid of negative thoughts

Once you failed or you did not give your you are thinking you are a total failure. This is not the way you should adopt. You should be positive and find the best solution for that problem. You have to make the best strategies for the next time. You should encourage yourself for doing best. These positive thoughts are your inner strength. They will never poisonous your mind. They taught you holding yourself in worst kind of situation. Always remember health of your mind is more important than the health of your body. Positive thinking always helps you to make you happy.

2. Make good friends

"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship." -Thomas Aquinas

Friends are the greatest blessing on God. They will stand by you when you are in a trouble. They will make you happy when you are sad. They know you have bad days .they know what you need the most. A good friend will make you be a better person. Bad company will destroy your personality. Now it depends on what kind of friends you choose for you. Choose your friends wisely if you want to become a blessing for a society.

3. spend time with family

A family is the people who are more concerned about you than any person on this planet. They will be there for you when your friends left you. They will be there for you when you are sick. They will be there for you when you are suffering from the bad financial conditions .you should know the worth of time spent with your family. You should make them feel they are special for you. This is your responsibility to realize them you are nothing without them. This will make you stronger. The family is the cure for any problem.

4. Do charity

If you want inner peace you should do some charity. Charity does not mean only mean. You can give anything you have to other needy people .if you have an extra coat don't hesitate just give. the smile of that needy person will make you happy. You will feel the pain of needy people. You will find the purpose of your life. You will learn to be grateful for the things you will make you a happy and satisfied person.

5. Find happiness in small things

Learn how to love the little things in your life. Learn how you can be a satisfied person with all these blessings. Observe other people who don't have even that little things in their lives. Learn how much important are these. Inner happiness doesn't come with bigger things in your life but small things give you inner peace and happiness that matters a lot. Count your blessing and say thanks to God.

6. Stop posting everything on social media

Social media is a place where people lied for the sake of likes. They post everything on social media and feel happy. When they don't get likes they feel depressed, this is not a healthy sign. Social media has ruined the real and natural beauty of everything .stop fooling yourself. Your mood should not depend on a few likes. A little bit of privacy is healthy.

7. Don't expect from others

Expectations always killed. Never ever expect anything from matters what you have done for them. Not think about the returns from others. This will kill your ego and self-esteem. Always asking for favors in return will make you a bagger and greedy person. Learn to respect yourself and be happy in giving.

8. Mind your own business

It doesn't matter how nice person you are, if you are interfering in other lives no one likes you. Nowadays people don't like interference. You have to learn that every time your advice isn't needed. You need to know your worth and space. People, the reaction will depend upon how many times you interfere in their lives. If you think your opinion is necessary then don't hesitate but when you think it is not important but you are still doing it don not do.

9. Don't pay attention to gossip

Gossip is for those people who have nothing to do and have small minds .when you do the same is prove that you are useless like other people. Gossip always leads to arguments that usually convert into fights .this is not a healthy sign. You should stop yourself being involved in every gossip.
Change your priorities will make you happy.

10. Don’t compare your life to others

Stop degrading yourself for the things you don't have. Stop comparing your life to other. You have no idea which battles the other person is fighting. You don't know those things became a curse for him. You really don't know what he is bearing. Maybe the things you are taking for granted are the needs of another person. You will be happy when you stop comparing your life. Wait for the right time and all will be yours.

11. Stay focus

Whatever you are doing, whatever your work is. Always keep your focus on your goal. If you are clear about your goal. You will find happiness in your work. You will do your work with all your joy. You will enjoy your work. Don't make things difficult for happy and stay focus.

12. Make time for your soul

Always manage time for least 10 minutes every day will make whole weak better .find your weakness and work on it for betterment. Think about the things that make you happy. Discover new things for your soul. Make regular ‘soul’ time every day. If you’re a morning person, get up one hour earlier and dig into your projects. If you’re a night person, stay up one hour later. Do something you truly love.
